RAP & RAS Contractor Recommendations
Jan 06, 2011
Steve Jackson with NB West gave an excellent overview of RAP and RAS usage with Evotherm during the Rocky Mountain Asphalt User Producer Group meeting in October. He reviewed multiple projects on state routes and interstates. Some of the conclusions and recommendations he highlighted:
- Fine grind on shingles and RAP gives the best results.
- Use Effective AC content for RAP and shingles to avoid dry mixes
- Recycled products do not need high temperature to release their AC
- Evotherm 3G WMA with RAP and shingles has provided more consistent results than hot mix.
- Allow contractors to innovate: permissive end result specs are good; trust but verify
- Look at the mix performance not just one component
Most importantly, Missouri has continued to improve the quality of their roadways. Reason Foundation ranks Missouri Roads eighth overall. They made the nation’s biggest improvement, jumping 16 spots from 24th to 8th in randings of state highway performance and cost-effectiveness, according to the 19th Annual Highway Report.
Author: Dean Frailey