Products / Polyfac TE-110

Polyfac TE-110

Soaps & Detergents

A bio-based solvent for soaps and detergents. This low viscosity tall oil fatty acid (TOFA) derivative has lower volatile organic compounds (VOCs) than other commonly used bio-based solvents, such as D-limonene.

Product benefits include:

  • Works in aqueous systems where degreasing is obtained with non-ionics and hydrotropes, and cleaning is boosted by the presence of an emulsified solvent
  • Higher flash point allows for easier handling and multi-function use
  • Non-petroleum, non-food product with low VOC content
  • Non-seasonal crop limits means less pricing swings
  • Water-insoluble, non-polar and bio-based product
  • Alternative for soy methyl esters or D-Limonene with a modest adjustment in the overall HLB of the cleaner
  • Solvent

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