Feb 03, 2021
Road rescue project in Minnesota made for a cold in-place award winner
Topographically, the earth is relatively level, yet the area suffers the same aspects of roadway degradation as any other point in the state. As such, road maintenance and rehabilitation are key aspects of the Minnesota DOT’s (MnDOT) attack plan to provide safe throughways.
Cold in-place asphalt recycling (CIR), while employed at this point in a general way nationwide, is a fairly novel application in this area of Minnesota, according to MnDOT Project Manager Mathew Thibert.
“This technique is very new to our district,” Thibert told Roads & Bridges. “Prior to utilizing this technology, we observed a cold in-place project in the southwest MnDOT district. We were also aware of successful projects at the county level. After observing that project, we began to employ the technique on two projects on Highways 99 and 91.” Read more…