
I-280 Overlay with NJDOT

May 04, 2012

Residents complained that the highway was noisy and that the poorly drained, polished concrete caused black ice.  With complete reconstruction too expensive, New Jersey DOT took steps to rehabilitate the roadway. After stabilizing the slabs, a thin asphalt overlay would be applied and then topped with asphalt rubber OGFC to reduce noise and improve safety. WMA helped by reducing emissions and enabling the late season paving. In all, Della Pello Contracting placed 30,000 tons on I-280 in Essex County, NJ. 

NuStar Energy added Evotherm to PG 76-22 binder at their Paulsboro, NJ terminal, and Braen Stone Industries produced the mixes. Lower placement temperatures prevented the synthetic resin patch material from moving and creating bumps under the overlay. When it was time for the rubberized OGFC, Evotherm WMA reduced emissions at the plant and behind the paver. To top it off, Della Pello Contracting received earned incentives for smoothness. Nice! 

To get the full details, check out the article by Dr. Thomas Bennert in this month's Asphalt Pavement magazine.

Author: Heather Dolan
